Saturday, October 20, 2007


When I mention frustration I am sure everyone thinks I am referring to my own frustration.....not the case this time!! I am referring to the frustration of my three year old. Yesterday I was busy putting up the summer clothes and taking out the fall and winter clothes. My son came in the room and asked for some juice. I told him to go ask Fatima.(The girl who watches the kids while we go to language school.) I heard him searching all around the apartment for her. After a few minutes he returned. He told me she wasn't here any more. I laughed and again instructed him to go find her and ask her, because I was up to my ears in little kids clothes! Again I heard him screaming, "Fatima, Fatima, FA-TI-MA." A few seconds later I heard the door to his room open and I heard him talking. He ran into my room and very upset told me that Fatima was on the ground. (He proceeded to get down and demonstrate exactly how she was positioned on the ground.) He had been in there with her for a few minutes, right in front of her. He could not understand why she would not respond to him. He was very upset. I quietly explained to him that she was praying....(hmmmm..well, not really praying....more like reciting......try explaining how some praying is good and some bad to a three year old.) I was a little surprised she wouldn't even acknowledge his presence in the room. He has so many questions. It is a little difficult to teach our kids that Islam is wrong without teaching them to be intolerant. For example the Mosques here are such beautiful buildings and they have tall minarets, some with crescent moon shapes on top. My son thinks they are fascinating. Once when he asked to go there, I tried to simplify the reason why we would not be going by simply stating that Mosques are "BAD." *Well, it's true they are, but does that make the people who go there bad?? You can imagine the questions that came form my simple answer. I know this is just the beginning of the challenges we will face with our children living here. I would appreciate your prayers for wisdom in this area! I have a very curious little boy!


AmyCoffey said...

wow that is tough. I will be praying for him. He is w/out a doubt a curious little fellow but that is one of the many things that makes him so sticken cute!! Love you bunches, have a great trip.

tess said...

I'll definitely be praying for you. Our Father will give you the words to give to your son.He understands three year old minds perfectly! What an amazing thought!