Wednesday, October 10, 2007

"I JUST SAID THAT!!!......didn't I?????"

Okay, so I would not be covering all the bases if I did not write about Torture......I mean LANGUAGE SCHOOL! I am in language school here learning dialectal Arabic. Arabic as you may know is not written using "our" letters so this really complicates things!! So in other words it is not like how it was when I was in Spanish language school..... where I would just write down the new word in a small notebook. In Arabic there are sounds we don't have letters for!!! Like for example the H in English, "H-h-h-Hat" right??? Well, here we need to learn three ways to pronounce what to me always sounds like "H". There is a sound that is kinda like a "KH"....but honestly it sounds like somebody clearing their throat. Then I was taught another "H" sound. It has to come from deep in you lungs. When our teachers teach us they always put their hands on their upper chests and ask us to the same. They say we should be feeling vibration. Hmmmmmm.
Today, I probably repeated a word 25 times after my teacher because I just could not hear the difference in what he was saying as oppose to what I was saying! AHHH! Talk about frustrating, I kept telling everybody,"I just said that!!" It was pretty funny our two other friends in class with me were agreeing with me(Nice to have the support.) Our teacher was cracking up shaking his head no.
It is NOT easy learning a new language ever. If you have children I think things can even get a little more tricky...not to mention annoying when your three year old can pronounce Arabic letters better than you and all your friends LOVE to point that out. God is giving me the patience and the desire to learn. Little by little everyday that is my goal. When I was ending Spanish language school I realized how much I did not know and I suppose to be "finished" learning. The truth is I am still learning English. I like to look at learning new languages as a journey. It seems to be easier to grasp that way. Really though it is not easy and sometimes have to make myself leave my children and go to school, I know it is an awesome opportunity from God to be able to learn how to communicate His word with people who otherwise might not hear......But please pray for me!!!!!!!:)

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