Friday, April 11, 2008

The Guest Speaker???

At a little after 4a.m. this morning my kids were up screaming and I was sitting straight up in my bed. We live in a building with a mosque on the first floor. So hearing the call to prayer is nothing new to us....but this morning evidently the normal Imam was taking a breather. This new guy came through the speakers at full force. I heard several people from the other apartments moving around too.
Then minutes after the yelling ended, a crazy new sound kept us awake.....a rooster. Yes, a rooster in the middle of downtown!! My son sleepily asked me if we were on the farm??? Craziness! We finally were able to return to sleep at nearly 6 a.m.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hello again....

We have been very busy the last few weeks with lots of guests and other things. I have slacked a little in my blogging.

I have been reading a lot these days and I just finished an excellent book. It is called
A Martyr's Grace. By Marvin J. Newell. It was a challenging book, but also a great faith building tool for me. I wanted to share one of the quotes from a recent martyr. It was a journal entry, a prayer written down, by Bonnie Witherall shortly before she was killed in Lebanon.

"Lord, here we are in the Middle East. How many people will die in this city of Sidon today without knowing You? How can I worry about my life or Gary's life when tens of thousands of people may die and face eternal damnation today? Lord, my life is already hidden with You. I know You. I have the truth. There is nothing they can take from me!'

That is powerful isn't it??? I can not explain how much her words helped me. I sat with tears in my eyes out of conviction and from an amazing peace and love that only God can give.
An interesting thing is I had already heard her story before I read this book. I have met Gary, her husband in Atlanta. He has forgiven her killers and still continues to serve the Lord. Bonnie was a nurse at a pre-natal clinic in Lebanon. The clinic was very well known to be a Christian Clinic. She was killed there at her place of service. She was killed by someone who didn't know the love of Christ.
I thank God for people like her, people who love God and gave everything to see God glorified in places where the people can not even see their own need.