Monday, October 8, 2007


I would like to ask everyone reading this to please pray about something with me.

My friends here are all very different. I always have a wonderful time hanging out with each one of them. I practice my Arabic with them, go shopping with them, learn about the culture from them, and learn about their religion from them. - That last point is where the problem begins. I learn by asking questions. I listen to their answers and then I always try to share things about what I believe with them. I share with them about the freedoms I have in Christ. They have a very hard time listening to this. I was questioning one of my friends a very strongly about why she changed only during Ramadan. Why the head covering and long sleeves during the day and then hair down with a sleeveless dress at night. Why only pray faithfully one month out of the year.? Etc. I have shared with many of my friends that true believers and followers of Jesus Christ are always the same. If I think it is right to do I need to do it everyday all day long. They see the obvious contradiction and just shrug their shoulders. They feel obligated to do everything they do. They all say the LOVE Ramadan. Hmmmmmm. I find that really hard to believe.
Anyway, I would like to ask you pray that the Lord would open up more doors for me to talk to them about Him. I always have fun with them. They are great people. I just hate thinking about their eternity. It would be easy for me to just hang out with them, but I know hanging out will leave blood on my hands. It can be intimating to say the least to bring up conversations that single me out. That magnify our differences. But it is true our differences go far beyond my blue eyes. Please pray with me about this.

1 comment:

Melissa Newton said...

We will definitely be praying for you. It is so convicting to read this. So many times I struggle to share the gospel with people that I come in contact with. And I dont even have to worry about putting my life in danger.