Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hospital vs. Clinic

I will just take a minute to answer a question posted in the comments....
Well, we got a first hand experience at a private clinic our 3rd week here. We spent three days in there with our daughter. She had roto-virus! YUCK!!! She had been sick for several days and she could not keep anything down. She was already very small so when she didn't seem to make any progress we knew she needed IV fluid. Since we don't have that at home we knew we had to go to the closest clinic.(two blocks from us). The room at the clinic was very nice. It even had its own refrigerator. It was a big room with a bed and a couch. BUT..... I had to ask them to bring me a baby bed. I guess they thought a baby would bed fine on a very tall hospital type bed with no railing. Um.....NO! I had to pretty much stay on top of them telling them what to do. After two days they told us that our bill was getting expensive and we should go. Not "okay she is much better now" or anything like that. I had to tell them I wanted her to stay until we were sure she could eat and not just puke it all right back up!!! (sorry to gross anyone out with the word PUKE.) :) After 3 days she got better and we went home. So in this instance all I can say was the clinic served its purpose. Impressed I was not,but happy to return home with a healthy little girl,yes!!
The Hospitals are public and cheaper(sometimes FREE) and the care is not as good.(of course this is what I have heard.)
As far a need for health care here. It exists but the Government is very strict on outside health care. I don't know all the details, we have just heard from several people it is very difficult for healthcare professionals to work here. Because of security. Hope I somewhat answered your question.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so glad you have a blog! I am eager to hear more about how things are going and want/desperately need to learn all I can. Please know that I am praying for you and your family daily. ~Beth D.