Friday, September 28, 2007

Can't we all just get along?

I wasn't going to comment on this....I really tried not to. (Sorry to our friend from here who I know is reading.....this does not of course include you.) I had heard before I came that during Ramadan sometimes there are more fights than usual....let me say TRUE,TRUE,TRUE. Fighting is kind of a common thing to see on the streets from time to time here, but in the past few days I have seen two pretty major ones. The other day A. and I were shopping in a busy area of town and we saw a huge swarm of people gathering around a group of men fighting. -Let me stop there to say that swarms are super common. Crowds are everywhere here. But when there is a fight everyone goes to see what is happening. - Anyway, so we were in the busy area of town shopping, we got in our car and we were trying to drive away. The mass of people were screaming, women were grabbing their children and running. I looked over and to my surprise the men were throwing huge rocks at each other. I mean softball size. They were throwing them at a man on the ground too. All the cars were honking like crazy-more crazy than normal-trying to get away from the rocks and the fight. I know that is not normal for here or anything, I was just amazed it could go on for sooooo long. We were stuck in traffic at the intersection for at least 10 minutes, and the fighting was not letting up.
Just last night I heard yelling outside our apartment. I mean hateful yelling. I looked down to see what was going on. It was almost 1am. All the men that worked at the barber shop on the first floor of our apartment were in a fight with some men dressed in djellabas and long beards. I looked around and noticed almost every balcony had someone leaning over watching the fight. LIVE entertainment. Honestly all this anger scares me. I have seen several other small fights this month as well. You know they will blame it on the lack of food all day or whatever, but it is the lack of Jesus Christ in their hearts. I guess I would be mad and frustrated all the time if I was living only for myself and trying to work my way into Heaven. They say Islam is the true religion of peace...hmmmm.


sue said...

I just want to say how much I enjoy reading your 'ramblings'. They are very informative and very interesting. I shall be praying fo you

Unknown said...

Hey again...I'm soo sorry about putting your name in my comment. I wasn't thinking. Feel free to delete my comment. Sorry!

Lady Ramblings said...

Hey Rebecca about your question about the small lemons; I would try two or maybe three if they are really small. You might just need to play around with it a little. Good to hear from you! Give those cute little girls a kiss for me!!